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Innovation Track

Nurse Innovators play an important role in creating a positive change in the quality of care through identifying and addressing specific challenges within the healthcare landscape. Nurses who are keen to pursue the Innovation track can look forward to co-developing and testing of innovative solutions to address clinical problems, so as to improve work productivity and achieve better patient care quality. Scroll down to read the stories of our innovation nurses!



Maxim Tan Mei Xin

Assistant Nurse Clinician, Changi General Hospital


My Nursing Journey:

I started on my nursing journey as an inpatient nurse at Changi General Hospital's (CGH) isolation and medical ward after completing my Diploma in Nursing in 2006. Subsequently in 2016, I was transferred to the Department of Nursing Quality, Informatics and Transformation, which presented me with opportunities to take on different roles to contribute to CGH's nursing differently, such as facilitating institutional-level events, coordinating CGH Nursing Council's initiatives and even performing research and innovation-related activities. 

I was also involved as a co-investigator of the 'Nurse-Robot Teaming for Care Delivery' innovation project, where I had the chance to collaborate with various parties to co-develop and even conducted a pilot test of the artificial intelligence (AI) cameras as well as robotic assistive devices that were meant to reduce inpatient falls. As a Nurse Innovator, I am exposed to many hands-on opportunities beyond bedside nursing, which have helped to improve my verbal and written communication skills. 

One of my proudest achievements to-date was my involvement in leading the CGH-wide's 'Galaxy of Stars' initiative which recognises outstanding staff for their commitment towards patient care and service excellence. What a meaningful and rewarding nursing journey it has been thus far!

Facilitating focus group discussions on prototype reviewsPreparing of AI cameras for installation