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Research Track

Research nurses are uniquely positioned to advance nursing practice and patient outcomes through their work. Nurses who pursue the Research track can look forward to opportunities to work alongside outstanding research mentors and faculty in SingHealth to push the frontiers in healthcare. Scroll down to read the stories of our nurses in research!


Lim Siew Hoon

Assistant Nurse Clinician, Nurse Researcher,
Singapore General Hospital

My Nursing Journey:

I began my career as a registered nurse in SGH after completing my Degree in Nursing Studies in 2010. I have been actively involved in the surgical discipline and gaining experience in caring for patients with diverse conditions. While working in the clinical area, I realised the importance of improving our patients’ existing care and overall quality of life through a rigorous and evidence-based approach, which inspired me to be a nurse researcher. In order to develop my foundation in research knowledge and skills, I went on to pursue my PhD in Nursing at the National University of Singapore, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies. I completed my studies in 2017 and this was only possible with all the support provided by my supervisors at work.

In 2017, I was given the opportunity to continue my career at the Nursing Research Unit in SGH. Although being a nurse researcher is a challenging career that requires a lot of dedication, it is also extremely rewarding and fulfilling at the same time. Since then, I have been exposed to various large scale research studies and have gained immense experience in conducting studies independently as a Principal Investigator with guidance from experienced mentors. My current research focus areas include the improvement of frailty in elderly and the well-being of the nursing workforce. In addition, I was given the opportunity to be enrolled in SingHealth Duke-NUS’ Women in Science (WinS) Career Advancement Programme (CAP) in 2021. This programme has provided me with valuable mentorship that helps me develop as a nurse researcher.

Currently, I lead various research studies, which includes the development of research proposal, the conduct of studies from data collection to data analysing, and the dissemination of study findings through conference presentations and publications. I also mentor junior nurse researchers who joined our SGH Nursing Research Immersion Programme.

I aspire to be a nurse scientist as I continue to move on in my career in SGH. Being a nurse scientist enables me to achieve scientific breakthroughs, improve healthcare and influence policy through the discovery of best clinical care practices. I am motivated to instil a research culture in our nurses to be proficient at asking clinical research questions and have an inquisitive mind, to ask “What is the best practice for the patients? ” I hope we can equip them with the necessary research skills for them to ask and answer questions in rigorous and evidenced-based manner.