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Speakers Information » A/Prof Sandy Cook

  A/Prof Sandy Cook

Senior Associate Dean;
Curriculum Development
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore

A/Prof Sandy Cook is Senior Associate Dean for Curriculum Development in Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore and head of the Medical Education, Research and Evaluation Department. She received her PhD from Cornell University in Adult and Continuing Education, and her Masters in Research Methodology and Bachelors in Experimental Psychology from Ohio State University. She was Associate Dean for Curricular Affairs and Senior Research Professional at the University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine (2001-2006) where she worked to develop scholarly medical education research projects. She was also an education specialist for the Diabetes Research and Training Center, a major NIH grant that focused on translating diabetes research to the community, patients and physicians, until 2003.

A/Prof Cook’s research focused on developing and evaluating education programs throughout the Division of Biological Sciences; health outcomes research in the area of diabetes, sleep medicine disorders, asthma, and geriatrics; and faculty development efforts in the Scholarship of Education. Her work in simulation and clinical assessment in the University of Chicago advanced the teaching and assessment of the clinical skills of medical students. This research effort resulted in over 35 journal publications, 20 published abstracts and a book chapter.

She served on the Board of Directors in the Society of Directors in Research in Medical Education, and as President of the Chicago Asthma Consortium (2003-2006). She also chaired the Curriculum and Evaluation committee of the 13-Schools Consortium from 2001-2006.



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