Congress Information ยป Organising Committee

Co-Chairpersons, Organising Committee


Dr William HWANG

Head and Senior Consultant,
Department of Haematology

Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Haematopoietic Stem Cells

Medical Director

Deputy Director, Tissue and Cell Transplant

Singapore General Hospital

Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School

Singapore Cord Blood Bank

SingHealth Transplant

A/Prof Patrick TAN

Associate Professor, Laboratory of Genomic Oncology

Group Leader

Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School

Genome Institute of Singapore

Sponsorship Co-Chairpersons, Organising Committee

Dr TAN Thiam Chye

Consultant, Department of O&G

Assistant Professor, OBGYN Clerkship Coordinator

Assistant Professor, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

KK Women's and Children's Hospital

Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School

National University of Singapore

A/Prof Rebecca DENT

Consultant, Department of Medical Oncology

Associate Professor, Office of Clinical Science

National Cancer Centre Singapore

Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School

 Members, Organising & Scientific Committee


A/Prof CHAN Choong Meng

Head and Senior Consultant, Department of Renal Medicine

Singapore General Hospital

Dr CHAN Hong Ngee

Senior Principal Clinical Pharmacist, Department of Pharmacy

Singapore General Hospital

Dr Stanley CHIA

Consultant, Department of Cardiology

National Heart Centre Singapore

Dr Alicia HOW

Consultant, Cataract and Comprehensive Ophthalmology Service

Singapore National Eye Centre

Dr Gopal IYER

Consultant, Department of Surgical Oncology

National Cancer Centre Singapore

Dr Nagaendran KANDIAH

Consultant, Department of Neurology


National Neuroscience Institute

Dr Tony LIM Kiat Hon


Consultant, Department of Pathology


Singapore General Hospital

Ms Deborah NG

Nurse Clinician II

Singapore General Hospital

A/Prof NG Wai Hoe


Deputy Director & Senior Consultant, Department of Neurosurgery and Deputy Director 

National Neuroscience Institute



Assistant Director, Nursing

Singapore General Hospital

Dr POH Beow Kiong

Consultant, Department of Urology

Changi General Hospital

Ms Irene QUAY


Chief Pharmacist, Department of Pharmacy

KK Women's and Children's Hospital

Dr SEAH Tian Ee


Consultant, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

National Dental Centre

A/Prof Gavin SMITH


Associate Professor, Laboratory of Virus Evolution

Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School

Dr TAY Ee Guan


Director, Education and Research

SingHealth Polyclinics

A/Prof Paul YEN

Associate Professor, Laboratory of Hormonal Regulation

Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School



Members, Scientific Committee

Prof Robert KAMEI

Vice Dean, Office of Education

Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School

Dr Lee Ee Lian

Senior Consultant, Department of Psychiatry

Singapore General Hospital

Ms Susan LEE

Deputy Director, Integrated Health Information Systems (IHIS)

Singapore Health Services

Dr MOK Yee Hui

Consultant, Paediatric Subspecialties, Children's Intensive Care

KK Women's and Children's Hospital

Dr NG Yee Sien

Head & Senior Consultant, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

Singapore General Hospital

Ms Babara Maria SEET

Manager, Group Service Quality, Group Communications & Service Quality Division

Singapore Health Services

Ms Sandra SUBNER

Senior Manager, Medical Board

Singapore General Hospital

Dr Shephali TAGORE

Consultant, Department of Maternal Fetal Medicine

KK Women's and Children's Hospital

Ms TAN Geok Eng

Administrator, Bioethics, Medical Board

Singapore General Hospital

Ms Pamela TAN

Manager, Integrated Health Information Systems (IHIS)

Singapore Health Services


Event Secretariat

Footer SingHealth Duke NUS Singapore General Hospital KK Women's and Children's Hospital National Cancer Centre Singapore National Dental Centre Singapore National Heart Centre Singapore National Neuroscience Institute Singapore National Eye Centre Polyclinics
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