






Speakers >
About the Speaker


Assoc Prof TAN Hiang Khoon


Director, SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute

Academic Chair SingHealth Duke-NUS Surgery Academic Clinical Programme


• Speaker, Global Health Symposium, 17 Sep 2021

• Speaker, Surgery Symposium, 18 Sep 2021

Assoc Prof Tan Hiang Khoon specialises in resection of complex head and neck malignancies and has pioneered the development of endoscopic and robotic Head and Neck and thyroid surgery in Singapore. As a clinician leader, Assoc Prof Tan excels in articulating compelling visions and establishing strong sustainable collaborations and partnerships across different departments, disciplines, and institutions.


During the recent pandemic, Assoc Prof Tan led a cluster-wide team to set up and manage a 3700 bed Community Care Facility at Singapore Expo and D’Resort. The successful execution of this operation within a very short time ensured that the capacities of acute hospitals were not overwhelmed in this unprecedented crisis.

Assoc Prof Tan is passionate about Global Health and has established the Global Surgery Programme in Surgery Academic Clinical Programme with a clear vision anchored by strong academic principles. He has recently initiated a pan-Asia surgical leaders’ network to study the response and impact of COVID-19 pandemic to the surgical health system. Comprising more than 40 surgical leaders from 25 Asian Hospitals in 11 countries, the outcome of the study will guide surgical leaders to make informed policy decisions in future pandemics.







