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Get to Know the New Faces of RC

​The AY2023/2024 Batch of Residents' Committee (RC) was freshly announced in recent months. As you may already know, the aim of the RC is to foster a sense of community in SingHealth Residency by connecting senior and junior Residents while actively engaging the medical students.

Not much is known about them, especially in detail, so follow us as we invite some Residents from the RC to answer a series of questions to get to know them deeper! 

We have with us Dr Bridget Ng, the Education and Research Sub-Committee member from the Anaesthesiology Residency Programme, Dr Haidah Kamal, the Volunteerism Sub-Committee member from the Family Medicine Residency Programme, and Dr Loo Cheng Yi, the Welfare Sub-Commitee member from the Ophthalmology Residency Programme!


1. Hi Dr BridgetDr Haidah and Dr Loo, thank you for this interview. Not much is known about you at the moment. Firstly, we would like to find out if you have any interesting hobbies?

Dr Bridget: I like to go for yoga and spin classes as well as learn Japanese in my free time! 

Dr Haidah: I often run when I can spare the time. I used to compete in Track & Field up till when I was in the university but since then I have been transitioning into recreational long distance running. I will be running the Standard Chartered Half Marathon at the end of this year. I also enjoy hiking when I get the time off to travel overseas. Most recently I climbed Mt Kinabalu and did the Low's Peak Circuit Via Ferrata which was challenging but the view from the top was very much worth it. 

Dr LooI like to do covers of random songs, and also play with my fluffy whiny cat.

2. Which medical school did you graduate from?

Dr Bridget: I graduated from NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine.

Dr Haidah: NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine for me too!

Dr Loo:  University of Edinburgh.

3. Why did you choose to be a part of the RC?

Dr Bridget: I hope to contribute back to the SingHealth Anaesthesiology Residency Programme (SHARP) and pass on the culture of continuous improvement.

Dr Haidah: I was particularly drawn to the RC's Volunteerism Committee having been involved in community engagement initiatives during my time in university. After graduating, given our heavy work commitments, many of my peers and I found it challenging to find suitable opportunities to volunteer or participate in community service projects. I hope in the year ahead as a sub-committee member, we can create meaningful volunteer opportunities that are easily accessible to SingHealth Residents who are looking into using their medical training to contribute back to the community, or even for those who are looking for community engagement opportunities beyond purely clinical work. 

Dr Loo: I wanted to see how I could help out even in a small way to improve life in residency.


Thank you Doctors for sharing these insightful answers with us and giving us a chance to get to know you better!  We hope to witness more of your growth and future projects in your tenure as the RC of AY2023/2024. 

For Residents who wish to email the RC members or get to know them a little better, you may click here and be directed to the new RC appointments and their contact information.