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SingHealth Ethics Course: The Role of An Ethical Accountant in Fraud Prevention

Programme Outline

  • Common Commercial Crimes in Singapore
    • Cybercrime
    • Asset Misappropriation
    • Financial Statement Fraud
    • Procurement Fraud
    • Money Laundering
    • Bribery and Corruption

  • The Ethical Dimension
    • Dealing with personal attitudes to fraud and corruption
    • Options for handling the dilemma of corporate fraud and corruption


To be advised


9.00am to 5.00pm

Course Fee

S$239.80 (inclusive of GST) 


via Zoom


Ms Julie Yeap is an accomplished international facilitator, trainer, executive coach, and learning consultant. With almost 20 years of experience training adults, she specializes in facilitating topics related to basic accounting, Leadership, communication, coaching, presentation, and other inter- personal skills.

Currently, she facilitates workshops at the Institute for Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA) to train finance and non-finance professionals on how to interpret financial statements and prepare budgets.

As a U.S. Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and an ISCA Professional Accountant (ISCA PBA), Julie started her career as an Auditor with Ernst &Yong (EY) Singapore where she managed a large portfolio of audit clients in various industries.

After over 15 years with EY, Julie left to focus on being a facilitator and an executive coach. She currently provides effective learning solutions to MNCs, financial institutions and professional services firms. She also provides coaching to executives and teams in various organisations and strongly believes in applying the strengths-based coaching approach to help her clients become more efficient and effective in their workplace.

Registration Details

Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please attain supervisor approval and update respective institution HRs for training records.

In line with the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), please note that we have updated our SingHealth Data Protection Policy, a copy of which is available at Hard copies are also available on request.

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