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Enterprise Risk Management Workshop (Foundation)

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • To appreciate the difference between hazard and risk, and the need for proactive risk management in times of change and rising expectations.
  • To discover the difference between the traditional approach to risk management and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in the face of rapid organization change.
  • To develop your skills in applying basic ERM concepts and principles when undertaking risk assessments.
  • To use the SingHealth ERM Tool in undertaking risk identification, prioritization and selection of key risks for development of appropriate key risk mitigation plan(s).

Training Outline

  1. Understanding our Operating Environment -
    1. hazard vs risk in healthcare
    2. appreciating SingHealth's Vision and Mission, and our role in realising SingHealth's strategic goals

  2. Overview of SingHealth ERM -
    1. basic concepts and principles of ERM
    2. purpose and value of applying ERM for effective proactive risk management

  3. The ERM approach to risk management - the 5-step ERM Process
    1. Objective Setting
    2. Risk Identification
    3. Risk Assessment, prioritisation and identification of key risks for proactive management
    4. Development of Key Risk Mitigation Plan - Risk Treatment Options, measures for monitoring success / effectiveness of risk controls (measures) to enable achievement of goals and objectives
    5. Risk monitoring and reporting - importance of sustaining the momentum

  4. Exploring the use of the SingHealth ERM Tool - Case Study

Target Audience

  • Staff at any level and in any functional domain across the Cluster, with the responsibility to participate, perform, conduct and/or facilitate risk reviews.
  • Managers / Project leaders responsible for leading teams to deliver on SingHealth's Vision and Mission to be a leading Academic Medical Centre.
  • Staff keen to be part of SingHealth journey in leveraging opportunities for growth and innovation while managing the challenges (risks) faced.


 Currently planned on web-conferencing platform

  • 25 Jan 2024
  • 29 Feb 2024
  • 21 Mar 2024
  • 25 Apr 2024
  • 23 May 2024
  • 27 Jun 2024
  • 25 Jul 2024 - Class Full
  • 22 Aug 2024 - Class Full
  • 17 Oct 2024
  • 28 Nov 2024


    9.00am to 5.30pm (1 day)
    Registration starts from 8.30am

    Course Fees

    Virtual : SingHealth Staff: $600 excluding GST (Waived) 
    Note: A fee of S$300 will be levied for no-show participants.

    Class Size

    25 pax


    Online via WebConference planform 


    SingHealth Academy 

    Registration Details

    NOTE: Please inform and attain approval from your supervisor and respective institution HRs before sending in your registration.

    To register, please email the following information to    
    Course Title: 
    Full name: 
    Contact number:
    Email address:

    Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Successful registrants will be notified via email with information on payment details.

    In line with the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), please note that we have updated our SingHealth Data Protection Policy, a copy of which is available at Hard copies are also available on request.

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