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Ms Lena Lim Lee Keng

SingHealth Patient Advocacy Network

Ms Lena Lim Lee Keng is a dedicated caregiver to her husband, who has been living with Parkinson's disease for the past 15 years. Her unwavering commitment and compassion have shaped her into a strong advocate for those facing similar challenges. Beyond her role as a caregiver, Lena serves as the Chairman of the Waterfront @ Khatib Residents Network, a position she has held with distinction for 15 years. Under her leadership, the network has flourished, fostering a sense of community and support among residents.

Ms Lena's contributions extend to various important initiatives. She is an active member of the Singapore Patient Advocacy Network (SingHealth, SGH), where she collaborates with healthcare professionals and fellow advocates to improve patient care and support systems.


Presentation Synopsis

HM 9 - Connecting the dots – Abuse and Harassment in the Healthcare Ecosystem

Patient’s Voice: Cultivating a Respectful Healthcare Environment with Compassion
Explore the key concerns of patients seeking care at healthcare institutions, emphasizing the importance of effective communication, empathy and timely care. Looking into the emotional and psychological states of patients, often driven by stress and anxiety before trigger to anger. Highlight the proactive measures healthcare workers can take to prevent escalation and the sharing of personal stories of abuse towards healthcare workers and suggests ways bystanders can intervene to help. Finally, to outline the efforts of patient advocates to foster a zero-tolerance policy towards abuse, ensuring a respectful and safe environment for everyone.

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